Acidic and Basic Strength

When 2-butyne is treated with H2/ Lindlar's catalyst, compound X is produced as the major product and when treated with Na/ liq. NH3 it produces Y as the major product. Which of the following statements is correct ?

X will have higher dipole moment and higher boiling point than Y

Y will have higher dipole moment and higher boiling point than X

X will have lower dipole moment and lower boiling point than Y

Y will have lower dipole moment and lower boiling point than X

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As we learnt,
Birch Reduction :
Alkynes on reduction with sodium in liquid NH3 form trans alkene where in 
Reduction of alkynes.
Proceeds via two single electron transfer from Na to alkyne each followed by protonation with NH3.
Cis have higher dipole moment than trans option 1 is correct. i.e, 
X will have higher dipole moment and higher boiling point than Y.
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