Physics Foundation
Vertical Motion

The velocity - times graph for a uniformly retarded body is a straight line inclined to the time axis with an obtuse angle. How is retardation calculated from the velocity - time graph ?

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The retardation is nothing but the negative acceleration. For acceleration, we find the slope of the velocity - time graph. Similarly, in order to calculate the retardation from the velocity - time graph, a negative slope should be obtained. The graph makes an obtuse angle θ with the time axis.
The slope can be obtained by marking two points on the graph and finding the corresponding values of velocity v1, v2 and time t1, t2.
Then the retardation can be found by the relation :
This quantity a will be negative because v1 > v2.
Alternatively, the retardation a = tan θ = negative because θ > 90°.
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