Relative Lowering in Vapour Pressure
The vapour pressure of two pure liquids A and B which form an ideal solution are 1000 and 1600 torr respectively at 400 K. A liquid solution of A and B for which the mole fraction of A is 0.60 is contained in a cylinder by a piston on which the pressure can be varied. The solution use slowly vapourised at 400 K by decreasing the applied pressure. What is the composition of last droplet of liquid remaining in equilibrium with vapour?

XA = 0.30, XB = 0.70

XA = 0.40, XB = 0.60

XA = 0.70, XB = 0.30

XA = 0.50, XB = 0.50

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Given, PA° = 1000 torr and PB° = 1600 torr [T = 400 K]
Here, YA=PAoXAPAoXA+PBo(1XA)0.6=1000XA1000XA+1600(1XA)
∴ XA = 0.70, XB = 1 – XA = 0.30.
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