
The life cycle of plants shows two distinct phases: a diploid (sporophytic) phase and haploid (gametophytic) phase which alternate with each other. The generalized pattern can be represented as in the following diagram:
Afreen studied the life cycles of 3 dierent plants: I, II, III, and made the following observations.
Plant I: Shows dominant gametophyte, sporophyte semi-parasitic on parent gameto-phyte.
Plant II: Shows reduced gametophyte, dominant sporophyte. Both phases are inde-pendent.
Plant III: Shows reduced gametophyte, dominant sporophyte. Gametophyte is pro-duced within the sporophyte and not as separate generation.
Based on the information provided, which of the following options do you think rep-resents the correct sequence of plant groups to which plants I, II and III belong to?

I: Gymnosperm, II: Pteridophyte, III: Bryophyte.
I: Bryophyte, II: Pteridophyte, III: Gymnosperm.
I: Bryophyte, II: Gymnosperm, III: Pteridophyte.
I:Pteridophyte, II: Bryophyte, III: Gymnosperm
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