
The following figure shows two situations in which a uniform round rigid body is released from rest from the positions shown, such that it is just able to loop the loop without leaving contact with the track. Assuming that radius of the track is large in comparison to the radius of round body, the ratio h1 / h2.

can be greater than or less than 1, depending on the moment of inertia of the round body.

must be less than 1

must be equal to 1

must be greater than 1

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Case-1 : mg h1 = (K.E.)translation = Ktrans. =12mv2
Whole gravitational potential energy is converted into translational K.E. only
Case-2 : mgh2 = Ktrans + Krot =12mv2+12Icmω2
Some part of gravitational potential energy will be converted into rotational K.E. also.
Hence in second case, greater height is required.

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