The diagram shows the variation of V and I in an AC circuit. The circuit only be a series RC or series RL or series LC or series RLC. Consider the four different combinations of V and I graphs. Pick the correct combination/combinations for each graph. Solid curves represent I and broken curves represent V.
Take the angular frequency of the AC voltage source to be 100 rad/s.
(I) : R = 1kΩ, L = 1H and C = 100μF (II) : R = 1Ω and L = 10–2H
(III) : R = 100Ω and C = 10+2μF (IV) : L = 1H and C = 100μF, R = 1Ω
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IV should have been : L = 1H and C = 100μF, R = 1 then answer would have been B & C
V leads I by π/4 inductive (R–L)
R = ωL ⇒
V lags I by π/4 capacitive (R–C)
V & I are in same phase XL = XC ⇒
Not possible in R, L, C
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