Simple Tissue

Select the correct option:

Transverse section of a part of a typical monocotyledonous root has been shown in the given figure. Identify the different parts (from A to I) and select the correct option.
A-Root hair, B-Epiblema, C-Cortex, D-Endodermis, E-Pericycle, F-Pith, G-Phloem, H-Metaxylem, I-Protoxylem
A-Root hair, B-Epiblema, C-Cortex, D-Pericycle, E-Endodermis, F-Pith, G-Phloem, H-Metaxylem, I-Protoxylem
A-Root hari, B-Epiblema, C-Cortex, D-Endodermis, E-Pericycle, F-Pith, G-Phloem, H-Metaxylem, I-Metaxylem
A-Root hair, B-Cortex, C-Epiblema, D-Pericycle, E-Endodermis, F-Passage cell, G-Protoxylem, H-Phloem, I-Metaxylem
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A - Root hair (developed from or modification of the epidermal or cells of the epiblema, single celled structures)

B - Epiblema (epidermis of the root)
C - Cortex (made of multilayered parenchymatous cells)
D - Endodermis (a single layer of cells, separates cortex from the stele)
E - Pericycle (multilayered parenchymatous tissue, forming the outer layer to the stele)
F - Pith (central parenchymatous structure)
G - Phloem (in patches, alternates with the xylem)
H - Metaxylem,I - Protoxylem - parts of xylem tissue, (later formed and first formed respectively), alternates with phloem.
In monocot roots, the xylem is exarch and polyarch, vascular bundles are arranged radially
So, the correct answer is 'A-Root hair, B-Epiblema, C-Cortex, D-Endodermis, E-Pericycle, F-Pith, G-Phloem, H-Metaxylem, I-Protoxylem'
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