Bohrs Model of Atom

Let us do the Young's double slit experiment with electron rather than light waves. We make an electron gun which consists of a tungsten wire heated by an electric current and surrounded by a metal box with a hole in it. If the wire is at negative potential w.r.t. the box, electron emitted by the wire (thermionic emission) will be accelerated towards the walls and same will pass through the hole. All the electrons coming out of this gun will have the same energy, qV. In front of gun there is a wall with two slits in it as shown Beyond the wall there is another plate which acts as a screen. The no. of electrons arriving at the screen / area / time can be measured. When the graph of this is plotted with y coordinate on the screen, we obtain the graph as seen in YDSE experiment. This can be explained using de broglie's hypothesis which states that electrons also behave like waves.

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Linked Question 1

Which of following would increase fringe width, assuming that λ << d ?

Increase d

Decrease voltage V

Decrease D

Increase temperature of wire

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Fring width ; β=d

If V decreases, then λ increases & hence β increases.

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Linked Question 2

What is the wavelength of electrons in terms of other parameters?





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λ=hp=h2 mKE=h2mqV.

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Linked Question 3

    Suppose we go on increasing the voltage from a very low value.Beyond a certain voltage, we obtain 3 maxima on the screen. What is the voltage?





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