Physical Quantities

In the given circuit, the AC source has ω = 100 rad/s. Considering the inductor and capacitor to be ideal, the correct choice(s) is(are)


The current through the circuit, I is 0.3 A

The voltage across 100Ω resistor  =102V

The voltage across 50Ω resistor = 10 V

The current through the circuit, I is  0.32A

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 tanϕ1= XCR1= 1                                                            tanϕ2= XLR2= 1

      ϕ1 = 45°                                                                              ϕ2 = 45°

 I1= 20Xc2+R12=152                                         I2= 20XL2+R22=252

 I=I12+I22=110                                               VL=I2XL=102,Vc=I1Xc=102

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