
Go through the following flow chart for division of subphylum vertebrata. Fill the gaps A, B, C and D and select the correct option.

A - Ostracodermi, B - Cyclostomata, C - Pisces, D - Tetrapoda

A - Cyclostomata, B - Ostracodermi, C - Pisces, D - Tetrapoda

A - Ostracodermi, B - Tetrapoda, C - Cyclostomata, D - Pisces

A - Pisces, B - Ostracodermi, C - Tetrapoda, D - Cyclostomata

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Subphylum Vertebrata is divided Into two divisions. They are agnatha (jawless) and gnathostomata (with jaw). Agnatha are further divided into two classes - Ostracodermi, which is extinct and Cyclostomata (e.g., hag fish). Jawed vertebrates are divided into two superclasses - Pisces (true fish) and Tetrapoda (four limbs).

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