First Law and Various Process

Fixed mass of a triatomic non-linear ideal gas is subjected to the changes as shown in diagram, calculate T3, P2 and V2 as shown in diagram. Consider vibrational degree is to be inactive and gas obeys PV = nRT equation. [Fill your answer as T(K)+ P2 (atm)+ V2(L)]

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For triatomic non-linear gas,
CP8RR ⇒  γ = CPCV=86=43
T1 = T2 = 400 K (Since PV = constant)
When volume is constant
16T3=P2400             ....(i)
When PV = constant
P2 × 1 L = P1 × V2
⇒ P2 × 1 L = 1 atm × V2     ....(ii)
When PVγ = constant
P3 × 1γ = P1 × V2γ 

⇒ P3 = V24/3 (γ = 4/3)     
⇒ 16 = V24/3 
⇒ V2 = 8 L 
P2 = 8 atm
and T316×4008 = 800 K

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