Figure shows two cylindrical uniform specimen of electrical resistances with their characteristics.
Resistivity : | ρ1 = ρ | ρ2 = 2ρ |
Length : | ℓ1 = ℓ | ℓ2 = 2ℓ |
Area of corss-section : | A1 = A | A2 = A/2 |
No. of electron per unit volume : | n1 = n | n2 = 2n |
R1 and R2 are connected in circuit as shown in figure. Voltmeter and ammeter connected in the circuit are ideal. Comparison of electric field, drift speed and power disipated per unit volume should be done only if R1 carries current.
Column-I | Column-II |
(A) S1 is open S2 is closed | (P) Reading of voltmeter is maximum |
(B) S1 is closed S2 is open | (Q) Reading of ammeter is maximum |
(C) S1 and S2 both are closed | (R) Magnitude electric field in R2 is greater than in R1. |
(D) S1 and S2 both are open | (S) Drift speed of electrons is greater in R2 than in R1 |
(T) Power dissipated per unit volume is greater in R2 than in R1. |
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Case 1: S1 is open, S2 is closed
all resistance are active.
Req = 5R
(current through R1) – it is also the reading of ammeter
(current through R2)
Voltmeter reading
Current density in
Current density in
Drift speed, drift speed in R1 is greater than drift speed in R2
Electric field, E = J · P ⇒ E in greater in R2 than in R1.
Power dissipated per unit volume
⇒ Power dissipated per unit volume in greater in R2 than in R1.
Case II: S1 is closed and S2 is open
Only resistance in circuit is R2 = 8R
Ammeter reading =
Voltmeter reading = ∈
comparison is meaningless.
Case III: S1 and S2 bolt are closed
R1 in by-passed.
Ammeter reading =
Voltmeter reading = ∈
comparison is meaningless.
Case IV: S1 and S2 bolt are open.
Req = R + 8R = 9R
Ammeter reading
Voltmeter reading =
Current density in
Current density in
Drift speed Drift speed is same in R1 and R2
Electric Field, E = Jr
⇒ electric field is greater in R2 than in R1
Power dissipated per unit volume = rJ2
⇒ It is greater in R2 than in R1. Ans.
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