Physics Foundation
Human Eye And Colorful World
Explain with the help of labelled ray-diagram, the defect of vision called hypermetropia, and how it is corrected by a lens.
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Hypermetropia (or long-sightedness) is that defect of vision due to which a person cannot see the nearby objects clearly (though he can see the distant object clearly). This eye defect can be corrected by using a convex lens.
Hypermetropic eye and its correction is given in the following diagrams :

(a) In a hypermetropic eye, the image of nearby object lying at normal near point N (at 25 cm) is formed behind the retina,

(b) The near point N' of hypermetropic eye is farther away from the normal near point N

(c) Correction of hypermetropia. The convex lens forms a virtual umage of the object (lying at normal near point N) at the point N' of this eye.

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