Heat engine Refrigerator Entropy

Draw the pressure-temperature and volume-temperature diagrams for an isobaric process of expansion, corresponding to n moles of an ideal gas at a pressure P0, from V0 to 2V0.

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From the equation state for an ideal gas PV = nRT,

We have V=nRP0T or VαT

At V = V0, we get T1=P0V0nR

And at V = 2V0, we get


For the graph of P versus T the variation is a straight line normal to the pressure axis, the temperature varies from T1 to T2 as shown in the figure.

For the graph of V versus T, the equation V=nRP0T or V = kT shows that the volume varies directly with the temperature (Charlie's law).

So, the graph is a straight line inclined to the (V – T) axes, and passes through the origin (when produced) as shown in figure.

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