Describe the structure of a dicot seed with a neat diagram.
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(1) The seed is bulky, oval and slighty indented on one side. 
(2) On this side there is a short longitudinal, whitish ridge called the raphae 
(3)  At one end of raphae there is a minute opening known as Germ pore or micropyle. 
(4) The embryo is enclosed by the seed coat. 
(5) It consists of cotyledons attached to primary axis. 
(6) It has rudimentary root portion called the radicle and a rudimentary stem portion called plumule. 
(7) The tip of the radicle projects outside and is nearer to the micropyle. 
(8) The plumule is placed between two cotyledons. 
(9) It consists of a shoot axis and a small bud with tiny little folded leaves.
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