Catalytic hydrogenation

Catalytic hydrogenation is a best way to convert unsaturated hydrocarbons alkenes & alkynes into alkanes. Reactants passed over surface of the metals like Pd, Pt, Ni and a transition state develops between the reactants from same side and that is why it is a syn addition.

Mechanism in case of other metals H2 molecule will be adsorbed on the surface of metal

Imp.    To compare rate :
(i)        More the stable alkene less will be the rate of hydrogenation.
(ii)       Steric hindrance will decrease the rate of hydrogenation.
If Pd / BaSO4 is used alkenes are not reduced to alkanes and major product of alkyne reduction is cis alkene.

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Linked Question 1

Select incorrect statement :

All isomers of the formula C5H12 can be prepared by catalytic hydrogenation of alkene

All isomers of the formula C6H14 can be prepared by catalytic hydrogenation of alkene

Methane cannot be prepared by catalytic hydrogenation of alkene


Methane can not prepared by catalytic hydrogenation of alkene

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Linked Question 2

Select correct statement :

None of these

C is optically active

B is optically active

A is optically inactive


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Linked Question 3

How many alkene on catalytic hydrogenation give iso-pentane as a product.






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