Valence Bond Theory or VBT

Assuming pure 2s and 2p orbitals of carbon are used in forming CH4 molecule, which of the following statement is false?

The angle of C–H bond formed by s–s overlapping will be uncertain with respect to other three bonds.

One C–H bond will be weaker than other three C–H bonds

Three C–H bonds will be at right angle

The shape of molecule will be tetrahedral

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In the unhybridized state of carbon, 2p orbitals are 90° to one another and each one will overlap with 1s orbital of three hydrogen atoms, thus three C–H bonds are formed which are 90° to one another. For the fourth hydrogen atom, its 1s orbital may overlap with non directional 2s orbital of the carbon and this σ bond will be stronger than σ C–H bonds formed by 2p–1s overlap. In such situation CH4 molecule can never has tetrahedral geometry

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