An oscilloscope is a device used to produce different shaped alternating current waveforms. We show in Figure the basis of the sweep circuit used in an oscilloscope. S is an electronic switch that closes whenever the potential across its terminals reaches a value Vcand opens when the potential has dropped to 0.2 V. The emf , much greater than Vc, charges the capacitor C through a resistor R1. The resistor R2 represents the small but finite resistance of the electronic switch. In a typical circuit, ε = 800V, Vc = 4 V, R2=0.001Ω, R1= 0.5 MΩ, and C = 0.02µF. The switch S1 is closed at t = 0.
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Find the approx. time at which switch S first closes ?
t = 5 × 10–5 sec.
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At what time does switch S first open again after that ?
Q = CVe–t/RC
–ln20 = –5 × 1012 t
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