According to collision theory for determining the variation of rate of reaction with temperature, the rate constant, . For most of the practical purposes 'A' & Ea [Arhenius factor & Activation energy are temperature in dependent. However they may vary slightly. Assuming the conditions given in the questions below answer the questions that follow.
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For the two reactions ['A'& 'Ea' assumed constant] AI = 2AII & the energy diagram of the two are represented as below.
(i) The ratio of rate constant of forward reaction for both reaction (R-I : R-II) is independent of temperature.
(ii) The product of equilibrium constants for the two reactions will be independent of temperature.
(iii) At 300 K, value of equilibrium constant of reaction 1 = e.
(iv) At 300 K, value of equilibrium constant of reaction 2 = e.
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For constant 'A' & 'Ea' which parameters when plotted will give a straight line with given slope
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If A = K1T & Ea = K2T2 where K1 & K2 are the constant & T represents temperature then which will be correct option.
(I) The maximum value of 'k' will be equal to 'A'
(II) At lower temperature, rate of reaction will increase with temperature
(III) At higher temperature, rate of reaction will decrease with temperature
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