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we envision a world where any student, anywhere can have world’s best learning experience and content which can arouse interest about academics


Make Student Love Academics

Teaching at Zigyan is a lot of fun because, here you get to instantly apply the concepts you are learning through quizzes, online class tests and DPP’s. At Zigyan, we strive to increase student interest by providing refined material on every concept taught in the classroom

Unlock Intrinsic Potential of Students

Most of the time students score less than what they deserve as per their subject knowledge because of weak test temperament. We develop test temperament and confidence in students by our continuous evaluation and personalised analyses of each test with subject experts in realistic environment.

Putting Learning First With New Tech Tools

The use of technology in the classroom will benefit students in many positive ways such as having equal learning opportunities, letting students learn at their own pace, and overall preparing students for the future starting in a classroom